Call me a late bloomer. I must be the last vegan to jump on the steel-cut oats bandwagon, but now that I’m on, I’m not planning to get off.
I’ve known about steel-cut oats for years, even tried them at least once, but they never made a big impression on me for a couple of reasons: 1) I thought they took too long to cook, and 2) I was afraid that eating something so starchy would cause me to be hungry later. As it turns out, I was wrong on both counts.
Actually, I wasn’t wrong about steel-cut oats taking longer to cook than rolled oats. They do. But I realized that it just doesn’t matter: I’m not an early morning eater, I work at home, and I can let the oats simmer on the stove while I do other things. I’m in no rush. In the past, before I made a resolution to eat breakfast regularly, I considered steel-cut oatmeal as an breakfast option for my husband and daughter and decided that unless I made it the night before (or started it the night before in a crockpot or thermos) there was no way to work it into the hectic 15 minutes my family has for breakfast on weekdays. But now that I’m thinking of my own breakfasts, I can manage long-cooking oats just fine.
Which leads to my second objection, which I’ve found was totally unfounded. In the past, I’ve had trouble with carb-heavy breakfast foods leaving me hungry later in the morning. As a result, I started looking for protein-rich vegan breakfast ideas and came up with several tofu-based recipes, including Vegan Omelette for One and Mini Crustless Tofu Quiches. But since I’ve started having steel-cut oats for breakfast, I’ve found that not only don’t I get hungry later in the morning, I also seem less hungry throughout the day. I’m snacking less between lunch and dinner–often not snacking at all–without even making an effort.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with them, steel-cut oats (also know as pinhead oats, Scotch oats, or Irish oats) are the inner parts of the oat kernel (or groats) that have been cut into two or three pieces. They’re much less processed than rolled oats (a.k.a. old-fashioned oatmeal), which have been steamed, flattened with a roller, re-steamed, and toasted. Quick-cooking and instant oats have been processed even further; though both are technically a whole grain because they contain all of the bran, germ, and endosperm of whole oats, they are digested more quickly than steel-cut and rolled oats. Also, instant oats tend to be packaged with salt and sugar, making them a very processed food.
Beyond the nutritional advantages, I really enjoy the slightly nutty flavor of steel-cut oats, as well as their chewier texture. I’ve been playing around with different ways of cooking them, varying the flavor with different fresh and frozen fruits and spices. I still have a lot of experimenting to do, but so far, these are my two favorite combinations.

Apple-Spice Oats
I like to make enough for two breakfasts and save half for another day.
- 1/2 cup steel-cut oats
- 2 cups water
- 1/2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 large organic apple, coarsely chopped
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, freshly grated
- 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
- Put all ingredients in a medium-sized pot. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to very low. Cover and simmer for about 30-45 minutes, or until oats are tender and water is mostly absorbed. Serve with sweetener of your choice with a little freshly grated nutmeg on top.
Preparation time: 5 minute(s) | Cooking time: 45 minute(s)
Number of servings (yield): 2
Serves 2. Per serving: 204 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (14% calories from fat); 6g Protein; 38g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 541mg Sodium; 10g Fiber. Weight Watchers Core/3 Flex Points.

Cherry Pie Oats
These are so good that I have to be careful not to eat the whole batch at once!
- 1/2 cup oats, steel-cut
- 2 cups water
- 1/2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
- 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 cup frozen cherries, unsweetened
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Put the oats, water, salt, and cinnamon in a medium-sized saucepan. Bring to a boil, and then reduce heat to very low. Cover and cook for 25 minutes.
- While oats are cooking, remove cherries from freezer and cut each in half while frozen. Allow them to thaw a little on the counter until oats have cooked for 25 minutes. Stir in the cherries and vanilla extract. Cover and cook until oats are tender and thick, about 10-15 minutes. Serve with your favorite sweetener.
Preparation time: 5 minute(s) | Cooking time: 1 hour(s)
Number of servings (yield): 2
Makes 2 servings. Per serving: 200 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (14% calories from fat); 7g Protein; 36g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 541mg Sodium; 9g Fiber. Weight Watchers Core /3-5 Flex Points (depending on how calculated).
For more great oatmeal recipes, check out these blogs (veganize as necessary):
- Baked Oats at Diet, Dessert and Dogs
- Oats for Dinner at Saffron Trail
- Crockpot Oats at Playing with my Food
- Breakfast Brownies at Karina-s Kitchen
- Perfect Pan Seared Oatmeal at Don’t Get Mad, Get Vegan
- Roasted Oatmeal With Walnuts And Oatmeal at What Did You Eat?
- Beyond Cereal: Are You Eating Enough Oatmeal, a whole slew of oatmeal links by Kalyn Denny, at BlogHer
Here are the comments that were lost when the blog was moved in 2010:
* Kristine said…
Susan, I just arrive home from a late night at work. I was in the mood for something soothing and warm (we’re expiriencing an ice storm right now)…I thought..”OATMEAL!” And I really said it outloud like that, hubby and cat staring at me like I was losing my mind yelling in to the kitchen cupboards. So I sit down to eat and catch up on my foodie blogs, and whaddya know…You’re having oatmeal too! Or, at least blogging about it. Vegan minds think a like!
Thanks for keeping it warm in the kitchen.
6:45 PM, February 01, 2008
Anonymous johanna said…
Mmmm! I love steel-cut oats, & these look delicious.
You can also bake them–that way you don’t have to worry about occasionally stirring them to prevent it sticking to the pan (an issue I’ve had). One of the Moosewood books has a nice apple-y baked steel-cut oats recipe that we riff off of a lot when making breakfast. 🙂
6:52 PM, February 01, 2008
Anonymous Keira said…
Mmmm cherry pie oatmeal! I have some frozen cherries and steel cut oats in the kitchen, so I’m bound to make this soon!
Another spin on oatmeal: sometimes I soak whole oat groats overnight in the fridge and eat them warmed slightly with almond milk, apple, cinnamon, nutmeg and some maple syrup or agave nectar. I find with soaked oat groats and steel-cut oats I always feel more satisfied than eating just quick oats. Maybe because I have to chew them longer, and just eat them slower in general.
6:55 PM, February 01, 2008
* Gluten Free in the Greens said…
I was totally excited to see that Bob’s Red Mill now sells GF steel-cut oats, as well as the normal rolled variety. You’ve inspired me to order some!
If you’re into hot a.m. cereal, I’ve been putting equal parts brown rice, millet, amaranth, and oats in a pot together. Yum!
7:25 PM, February 01, 2008
Anonymous Colleen said…
I love steel cut oatmeal so much that I buy it by the 25lb bag. I eat it both with fruit and “pie” type spices like cinnamon and savory. I just put it in the microwave with unsweetened, home made soy milk and nuke it for six minutes and then take the dog for a walk. When I get back the soy milk is all absorbed and the crunchiness is gone. I’ll then nuke it for another minute or two to warm it up and then add the fruit and spices. But, I have the same issues with the microwave that everyone else does so I am going to try cooking it on the stove since I work from home too. Thanks!
7:32 PM, February 01, 2008
* herbstsonne said…
Ooh I can’t wait to try the cherry kind! I have a bag of frozen cherries and couldn’t figure out what to do with them aside from making smoothies and muffins. That looks amazing. I know what I’m having for breakfast tomorrow!
7:32 PM, February 01, 2008
* ~M said…
These look great, Susan! My mom eats McCann’s Irish oats almost every day as they are supposed to reduce cholesterol. She makes them in her rice cooker, which can actually be programmed to start later.
7:38 PM, February 01, 2008
Anonymous Ricki said…
Hi Susan,
Thanks so much for the link to my recipe for baked oats. I adore steel-cut oats and eat them often. Your Cherry Pie version sounds divine (and your photos, as always, are gorgeous–I would definitely try yours first!!)
And in case there was any doubt, all of the recipes on my blog are vegan, too. 🙂
7:43 PM, February 01, 2008
* Mansi Desai said…
wow, I’ve never seen oatmeal look so pretty!!:) nice post Susan!
7:50 PM, February 01, 2008
Anonymous Maya said…
Yum yum! I have never had steel cut oats, but I’m definitely picking some up tomorrow. I love oatmeal!
8:09 PM, February 01, 2008
* VeggieGirl said…
oh Susan, these oatmeal recipes are DIVINE – I love adding fresh berries to oatmeal, since they contribute a vibrant hue to the pale oats. it’s a delectable work of art :0)
8:41 PM, February 01, 2008
* Karina said…
Oh my. Cherries and oats? You had me at Hello. I’m into steel cut oats lately, too. And just made a vegan gluten-free cookie with steel cut oats (stay tuned). In the meantime, Vegan Goddess, I thank you for including my humble Breakfast Brownies in your oats round-up. Many thanks. You are an inspiration, as always!
8:56 PM, February 01, 2008
* sixoneseven said…
I’m a big fan of steel-cut oats, too, although I have to limit them to weekends–my morning routine leaves no time for anything requiring a pot. My favorite way to make them is with chopped dried apricots, a little sprinkle of chopped walnuts, and a quick drizzle of honey. I can’t wait to try your Cherry Pie version!
9:02 PM, February 01, 2008
* Kalyn said…
Thanks for mentioning the BlogHer post about oatmeal. It was fun finding that so many *s are cooking it lately. After I read about cooking steel-cut oats in the slow cooker I tried. The results were good, but it really stuck to the sides. Did you have that problem with stovetop cooking?
9:11 PM, February 01, 2008
* Liz said…
My super easy, no brainer recipe for the time crunched mom (me) is this:
Before I go to bed I
1. Boil 3 c water
2. Add 1 c SCO and 1/2 c raisins
3. Turn off the heat and cover.
The next morning I put it in a container for the fridge after measuring out enough for my breakfast.
I usually add ground flax, some crushed almonds and a little greek yogurt on top with a little sweetner.
9:17 PM, February 01, 2008
* lao80 said…
If you put the oats in with the water at night. In the morning when you cook it only takes 5 minutes.
9:26 PM, February 01, 2008
* Catherine said…
Great piece! It’s great to learn the difference between steel cut and more processed oatmeal. Great job!
9:31 PM, February 01, 2008
OpenID veganalects said…
Those cherry pie oats look amazing! I would never have thought to add cherries to oatmeal, but it’s brilliant.
11:22 PM, February 01, 2008
* Adele said…
Mmm, tasty. I can’t say I’ve ever actually seen these in Australia, which is unfortunate. But I’m still partial to the rolled kind.
The reason that carbohydrate-rich foods make you hungrier later in the day is that they start your metabolism. You need energy for your body to start using it. Therefore, eating carbohydrates at breakfast is a good idea. If you skip breakfast, you don’t start using energy until you have lunch – which is why chronic breakfast skippers are often overweight.
Also, if you don’t eat in the morning, your body learns that it will be starved at this point, and begins to store more of the energy from dinner in preparation. Hence you put on more weight. You need energy! Small frequent meals are the best way to keep your metabolism chuffing along and to stop your body storing too much fat.
I’m a fan of your blog! Your food always looks delicious. Your photos are one of the things that got me interested in food photography.
3:12 AM, February 02, 2008
* aApe said…
long time reader, first time commenter, here. heh.
this is a great post.
i eat oatmeal every morning, but it’s not fancy as yours –
1C rolled oats
1C unsweet soymilk
.75C H2O
pinch of NaCl
~.5t ground cinnamon
1T unrefined coconut oil
cook for 3 minutes
makes 2.5C for me, and .5C for my sweet little pit.
4:51 AM, February 02, 2008
OpenID penpaloriginals2 said…
Another good version of this is to eat them cold, with plain ff yogurt (soy for the vegans), frozen cherries (barely thawed) and the spices and sweeteners of your choice…
Also, to throw cold cooked wheatberries into the mix is DIVINE.
5:33 AM, February 02, 2008
Anonymous monica said…
Weird. Tis is almost exactly what I have for breakfast every morning, only I grate the apple. Nice one. Porridge rules!
6:48 AM, February 02, 2008
* Pille said…
I’ve been a rolled oats girl until now, too, but I’ve got a beautiful can of steel cut oats waiting for me…
6:50 AM, February 02, 2008
* the pleasantly plump vegan said…
breakfast is a big struggle for me. i’ve known about these oats for a long time and i think the texture is what is keeping me back for trying them again. maybe i should just give them another shot.
8:23 AM, February 02, 2008
* Jennifer said…
I love your cherry pie oatmeal idea – it kind of reminds me of a certain raw Cherry Pie bar that I absolutely adore!
Oats in the morning are the best, especially if you live in a cold area; they seem to warm you from the inside out!
9:09 AM, February 02, 2008
* Calista said…
Even as I type this, I am right now eating the apple and spice version you suggested — and it’s delicious! Thank you!
10:04 AM, February 02, 2008
* Gnewvegan said…
I have never heard of steel cut oats. I am an oatmeal “eater” and use the rolled oats.. I make various recipes of my own and enjoy a nice warm bowl of oatmeal in the morning.. I actually had it today with a slice of whole wheat toast.. Thanks for the post because As always you learn something new everyday and today I learned about steel- cut oats.
11:13 AM, February 02, 2008
* Stephanie said…
Has anyone tried cooking steel-cut oats in a pressure cooker? I’ve been a big fan of amaranth-buckwheat or buckwheat-millet porridge combos and love that I can make them in the pressure cooker in so much less time (and less energy). The general rule is to cut the cooking time in a third. My almost-2-year-old loves the grainy porridges, especially with a little homemade apple-cranberry sauce mixed in. Very satisfying and keeps me going all morning.
2:23 PM, February 02, 2008
* Anke said…
during my university years I spend some time in Scotland and sure got addicted to steel cut oats. unfortunately they don’t sell them where I live now, so rolled oats will have to do…
3:40 PM, February 02, 2008
* SusanV said…
Wow! Thanks, everyone, for the great oatmeal tips! You’ve given me lots of new ways to try it.
Kalyn, I use a heavy, non-stick pan and I’ve never had a problem with the oats sticking. I just fill it with cold water, and everything washes right off. I can see how it would stick to a crockpot, though.
3:51 PM, February 02, 2008
* Jenn said…
I can’t wait to try this! I was also interested in how it would work in a pressure cooker. I looked it up, and if you pre-toast them, it only takes about 5 minutes to cook under pressure. The information is on the McCann’s Irish Oatmeal page.
7:31 PM, February 02, 2008
Anonymous Julie said…
Hi Susan,
I absolutely love steel cut oats, and have them every morning. I use 1/4 c. oats soaked overnight in 3/4 c. water. In the morning, I add 1/4 cup raisins or chopped dried apricots and cook in the microwave for 7 minutes at 70% power. Add 1/2 c. vanilla soymilk and enjoy.
8:31 PM, February 02, 2008
Anonymous the vegan blog tracker said…
Oatmeal is perfect – it’s cheap, it’s healthy, and it keeps you full. Thanks for describing the difference between steel-cut and rolled oats.
3:53 AM, February 03, 2008
* Jul said…
Thanks for the photo of steel-cut oats. That’s one of those things I’d heard of a lot, but had no idea how they actually different from rolled oats.
4:35 AM, February 03, 2008
Anonymous jkvetter said…
You should try these soaked, overnight, covered with ricemilk or soy milk, then cover the dish and place in the refrigerator. In the morning add some agave nectar, cinnamon, raisins and nuts. It is delicious that way. You can also warm them some, but the texture this gives the steel cut oats is wonderfully creamy. We love them this way.
9:29 AM, February 03, 2008
* Barbara9093 said…
Have you tried Kashi 7 Whole Grain Pilaf? This was the original product of Kashi before they were bought by Kellogg and began running ads that pander to the Froot Loops crowd. It’s called pilaf, but I think of it as more of a great breakfast cereal.
It’s all whole grains — even less processed than steel cut. The box contains four four-serving packets, so I cook a packet at night once or twice a week and it’s ready to go in the morning. I sometimes add quinoa and amaranth and chopped dried fruit when I cook it. In the morning, I microwave a serving, sprinkle on flax seeds, add some banana slices, soy milk, and sometimes a couple of chopped raw nuts.
11:41 AM, February 03, 2008
* Anardana said…
I’ve just recently got on the steel-cut oats bandwagon too! Thanks for the great ideas.
4:43 PM, February 03, 2008
* S. said…
Oh mi god! I just jumped on this wagon this morning. I had Groatmeal with bananas and cinnamon. It was so good…and you can cook it in the microwave too!
8:07 PM, February 03, 2008
Anonymous Mel said…
I absolutely love Oatmeal! I used to have it everyday for brekky but just changed the fruits or flavours!
One of my absolute favourites is Strawberry Ricotta Porridge that I created! Well worth a peak and a try! 😀
8:59 PM, February 03, 2008
Anonymous said…
Pure maple syrup is an awesome sweetener with steel cut oats!
9:34 AM, February 04, 2008
* Mer said…
Your steel-cut oatmeal variations look delicious! I can definitely see Apple-Spice Oats in my future. :0)
And thanks a lot for the link to my recipe. Makes me want to upgrade the photos (that was one of those that I made at night and just decided to blog it, lighting conditions be dashed)! ;0)
9:52 AM, February 04, 2008
Anonymous said…
Susan – I rarely comment but as as self-confessed oatmeal junkie I was compelled to do so. I have always preferred roll to quick (and make my own without the pre-packed sugar, etc.) but thanks for educating me about the processing differences in steel cut vs. rolled. They are going to replace the rolled on the grocery store list!
P.S. One MUST try blueberries too – and flaxseed for an added boost to Omega 3 intake (always a challenge for us veg-heads!)
2:39 PM, February 04, 2008
Anonymous Sally Parrott Ashbrook said…
Ooh, I love oatmeal, and cherry vanilla oatmeal sounds great.
2:53 PM, February 04, 2008
Anonymous StinkyPup said…
You’re not the last vegan to discover steel cut oats! We just discovered them around a month ago and they are so much better than regular oats. We eat them every day for breakfast. I’ll try your recipe tomorrow.
Thanks for the awesome recipes. I’m always looking at your blog for ideas.
1:30 AM, February 05, 2008
Anonymous sher said…
I must try those cherry pie oats! They look marvelous. Thanks for mentioning me!
6:08 PM, February 05, 2008
Anonymous Foods &Beverages said…
hi buddy
wooow wat a gr8 post!! really njoyed a lot,ur oatmeal variations look delicious! it sounds gr8 buddy.
Thanks a lot for sharing the awesome recipes..
keep up the gud work.
2:53 AM, February 06, 2008
Anonymous KathyF said…
Ahh, oatmeal! I love it (both the Irish steel-cut kind and the regular kind) BUT…I can never get the right amount of salt/sugar, and end up with too salty or too sweet (or the opposite) oatmeal.
It’s really annoying. I feel I can hold my own in the kitchen, but a simple pot of oatmeal eludes me.
10:45 AM, February 07, 2008
* bazu said…
I’m going to make a big admission: {gulp} Here goes… I don’t really love oats! When I do eat oats (and I try to eat them regularly, because they’re so good for me) I especially stay away from steel-cut oats! I like old-fashioned, or… here’s where it gets embarrassing: quick oats! I don’t eat oatmeal out of a packet, I buy my own bulk quick oats and add my own flavors to it, but… it still makes me feel like I should turn in my foodie membership badge!
7:21 PM, February 08, 2008
* Ms. Sanders said…
Ok, I just spent a bundle on some organic frozen cherries because I had to make the cherry pie steel cut oats! I am a bit confused, however, about the cooking time. The first recipe with apples requires only 30 to 45 minutes total, but the cherry pie first calls for 25 minutes of cooking, then an additional 35 to 45! Why is the time so much longer, or, is it supposed to be 25 minutes plus an additional 10 or 20 to make it a total of 30 to 45 minutes? I want to make sure I get this straight before I use my cherries of gold!
6:58 PM, February 10, 2008
* SusanV said…
Oops! Sorry about that. You’re absolutely right. It’s supposed to be 35-45 minutes TOTAL. I’m making the change right now.
7:18 PM, February 10, 2008
* Ms. Sanders said…
Thanks! I made it….and absolutely LOVED it! I didn’t use any salt and didn’t add any sweetener. The vanilla and cinnamon were a nice touch, but those sweet cherries just make it unbelievably delicious!
8:29 PM, February 15, 2008
* Nandita said…
That was a lovely tribute to oats…and thanks for including my recipe too 🙂
3:53 AM, February 28, 2008
* Suki said…
Oooh cherries and oats , that sounds so good .I eat steel cut oats for breakfast every morning . Call me boring : )I run them through my spice grinder and they cook a lot quicker,in about 5 minutes . I grind about a weeks worth at a time .Can’t wait to find some cherries to try your recipe with !
8:58 AM, February 28, 2008
* Twinkle said…
May I ask why you add salt to your recipe? I’ve never made it with salt but now I’m curious.
11:36 AM, February 29, 2008
Anonymous Lkfarkas said…
Ooooh, soooo happy! I love steel cut oats, but never bothered to take the time with them. Now, I use the apple recipe, and make a couple of batches up. I seperate the portions into baggies & throw ’em in my fridge. When breakfast rolls around, just pop on in the micro to warm, and I’ve got a fantabulous breakfast! Thanks so much for the great recipe! (And, for having WW points listed…that’s HUGE for me!)
5:22 AM, March 01, 2008
* tori said…
I just found your blog via recommendation from Google Reader… and the first thing we made was the cherry pie oats! I made my husband get frozen cherries at the store as soon as I read your recipe. We’ve made it twice now and the second time we omitted the salt and added some toasted pecans on top for protein (obviously not fat-free, but a great combination to get some extra protein in with breakfast). I also used a sprinkle of brown sugar and it was PERFECT.
Thanks for the great idea, can’t wait to make some more of your recipes!
9:24 AM, March 10, 2008
Anonymous said…
The cherry version is wonderful. I haven’t tried the apple yet. I have had steel cut oats prepared by other people before and thought they were unpleasant, dull, and chewy. But your recipe is great!
Stephanie, WA state
7:08 PM, June 23, 2008
* Marisa L. B. said…
Thanks for the recipes! I tried the apple with five minute oatmeal because that’s what I have in my house and its delicious! I have been meaning to try the real stuff though!
8:05 AM, June 27, 2008
Anonymous said…
I love your blog so much! I’m a recent vegan who has always loved to cook and bake so your site has been a huge inspiration for trying new recipes!! I love oats for breakfast and my usual taste combo is the same as you chose! I’d just like to suggest that you try almond extract in your cherry oats recipe. Almonds are always a great compliment to cherries!
Take Care and thank you so much for your beautiful site!
8:09 AM, December 12, 2008
Anonymous said…
I still haven’t tried steel-cut oats, but I plan to one day. I’ve also been looking for some vegan Irish recipes, which seem to be difficult to find. Thanks for these ones, though. I’ll be sure to try them when I can!
11:27 AM, March 13, 2009
* heart n soul said…
your blog has become my favourite food blog since i discovered it recently:) I’ve also recently discovered oat groats and I’m a convert, so much tastier than rolled oats. I’d like to ask you if there is any other difference between oat groats and steel-cut oat, apart from the fact that the latter is cut (i.e. is it the equivalent of cracked wheat as opposed to whole wheat grain?)
I’d love to add some almond extract in the cherry pie version, it’ll be like bakewell tart!:)
11:37 AM, June 11, 2009
Anonymous said…
I love your website. I love you apple oats. I also grind my oat groats sometimes. I also make the whole oats with hot boiling water and put them in a widemouth thermos overnight. In the morning it is perfectly cooked.
4:19 PM, September 14, 2009
I love your website. I love you apple oats. I also grind my oat groats sometimes. I also make the whole oats with hot boiling water and put them in a widemouth thermos overnight. In the morning it is perfectly cooked.
I eat steel cut oats almost every weekday, and I make them in about 5minutes!***I like my oats a little chewey so this recipie does not make them super soft. I believe this is better for your body too.
I usually bring 1/4 cup uncooked steelcut oats, a bit of honey, and some almonds in a microwavable plastic container to work.
I mix in about 1/2 cup of cold water, or fat free milk and microwave on high for 1 min. 30 sec. I then stir for 30 seconds, and back in the microwave for another 30 sec. watching to make sure they don't boil over.
I stir for about 2 minutes until cool enough to eat, and mix in some fresh peaches, and blueberries.
Oats give me daylong sustained energy and are good for cleaning out the digestive system.
I have a better recipe that requires no cooking.
Simply poor some quick oats in a bowel. Open a can of sugar-free cherry filling and pour to taste on oatmeal. Delicious. 🙂
I did update my photos on the steel cut oatmeal recipe, and am still getting lots of visitors from your link here. So, thanks again! 🙂
I love steel cut oats too. I cook it in a double boiler (a pot of boiling water with an insert on top to put the oats and water), this way it cooks without the need for any stirring and it doesn't get stuck on the bottom of the pot – I put in any combination of the following: dried apricots or raisins, fresh apples. It stores well cooked in water – when I prepare it to eat I add milk or yogurt – Yummy. I make enough for a few days. I have even taken it with me when I travel for work.
Carbaugh Mann
how long do you have to cook them when using a double boiler? Thank’s
I'm a little late to the party, but I just wanted to say, the cherry pie oatmeal looks fantastic!
I've been cooking my steel cut oatmeal overnight in the crock-pot. I slice quince and lay it over the oats. By morning the quince and the oats are cooked to perfection.
I can't wait to try my oats with cherries!
Okay, don't knock this until you try it: Prepare your SCO as described above. At the end of cooking add 1-2tbsp of Hershey's Extra Dark Cocoa. Eat with bananna, walnuts and dried cranberries.
Absolutely the best oatmeal I ever had. I love the slight crunch of the steel-cut oats. I made this recipe yesterday, enjoyed some and put the rest in the refrigerator. I just enjoyed another bowl for breakfast this morning. I'll be trying this again with some different fruits. This is a keeper!
I love steel cut oats…I eat them every weekday morning and top with 1/2 teaspoon of raw sugar or agave and 1 tablespoon cinnamon. In the winter time, while the oats are cooking (forever) I sautee some seasonal fruit with a little earth balance and cinnamon..pears are the best…delish!
Stirred into steel cuts at the last minute, a half a sliced banana or so, dried cranberries or cherries, walnuts, ground flax-seed, cinnamon and sea salt make for excellent breakfast, and no further sweetener needed!
I'll have to try each of these as soon as I get some apples and cherries in stock… I never have apples…
I normally choose quick cooking oats because I'm lazy, but I'm going to try the trick of putting SCO into boiling water the night before!
Also, I love-LOVE-love adding peanut butter and soy protein to my oatmeal; I'm full and fueled for well into the day.
Thanks for FFVK. x
Atemis Ward
A couple of suggestions that might make for quicker cooking and for a nice sweet natural flavor. Frozen bananas are wonderful when sliced and added to any kind of oatmeal. Just peel older bananas and freeze in a freezer bag, sliced, or slice them when you add to the oatmeal. I can't eat oatmeal without frozen bananas now.
I haven't tried it for SKO, but it works perfectly for long-grain brown rice, so I'm sure it would work for SKO, too. I put the rice in the pressure cooker, cover with extra water, cook on high until the cap rocks, turn the burner off, set the timer for 9 minutes (at sea level), and remove when done. Perfect brown rice every time. SKO probably cooks in about the same time, but experiment removing earlier, then just reheat until you get the ideal cooking time and make a note for future reference.
Thanks for the recipes.
I’ve never really been a fan of oatmeal, but these recipes are great. The cherry is especially awesome, and I think oatmeal might start making a regular appearance at breakfast time!
Oatmeal Lover
I must have done something wrong, but I was very careful in my math! I quadrupled the Cherry Pie Oatmeal recipe, since I wanted to feed my family and then have some left over as well. But there seemed to be far too much water because the oatmeal never really set up. But we tried it anyway, and it was TOO SALTY!!! Eh-yechk! It was inedible!
I only have time to cook oatmeal on weekends, and now that I’ve come across these recipes and that mornings are starting to be cooler I really look forward to my Sunday breakfast all through the week.
Thanks, Susan! Both combinations are truly delicious.
Do you have any advice about pre-soaking or cooking steel cut oats ahead of time for a quick breakfast, for those of us without a crock pot? I think I remember my mom used to soak them overnight, but I can’t remember. The reason I’ve never tried them is because of the time it takes too cook, and I just can’t get myself together before work in the morning to cook this.
Kate, I looked through the older comments to see if anyone had posted anything that might help you. Julie said, “I use 1/4 c. oats soaked overnight in 3/4 c. water. In the morning, I add 1/4 cup raisins or chopped dried apricots and cook in the microwave for 7 minutes at 70% power. Add 1/2 c. vanilla soymilk and enjoy.” And Liz wrote: ” Before I go to bed I 1. Boil 3 c water 2. Add 1 c SCO and 1/2 c raisins 3. Turn off the heat and cover. The next morning I put it in a container for the fridge after measuring out enough for my breakfast.” Both sound like good time-savers to me.
See Sharon’s entry below.
Harold Van Winkle
I really like Bob’s Red Mill organic thick cut rolled oats (even better than steel cut) – have you tried them? I bought a 25 lb bag for $22.
very chewy and not mushy slimey like some oatmeal cooks up.
An easy way to speed up the cooking time of Steel Cut Oats, is to partially grind them in your coffee grinder (not all the way to flour, but just for a few seconds), they still taste as good (assuming you cleaned your grinder). Not all grinders warranty this use, but mine does.
VYang - an eczema blog
I was looking for oatmeal breakfast ideas and found your post. Thanks for the little mention about the difference between steel-cut and rolled oats, it was very useful! I’m always in a rush in the morning but am anxious to try your recipes on a weekend. Thanks again!
Marian Hamilton
Thanks for reposting these recipes, Susan – I didn’t have them in my Recipe Box – they both sound YUMBO!! and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you & yours! xxMarian (Bill is a huge fan of steel-cut oats too – YAY!! only 72 days until our wedding – I’m counting down the days – LOL!)
I’ve got steel cut oats sitting in my cupboard and have been meaning to try them for ages….just wish i had those cherries as that sounds delish!….maybe i’ll just make the apple instead..*sigh*
Virginia Perrotti
I am normally a silent fan, but I have to tell you that I make a pot of steel cut oats and store in the the refrigerator for daily use. It lasts at least 5 days, maybe longer. I’ve enjoyed them cold,with almond or soy milk, on occasions when I’m in a hurry. I might add walnuts, wheat germ, coconut, or flax, and sometimes indulge in a little maple syrup if I feel like I am craving a waffle or something. Steel cut oats are the best!!
Coach’s Oats from Costco are toasted and cook faster. Yum!
The easiest way to cook steel cut oats is to bring 4 cups of water to a full boil, add one cup of steel cut oats, turn off the heat, put the lid on and let sit overnight.
In the morning bring the oats to a boil, turn off the heat put the lid on the pot for 10 to 15 more minutes. Done! and ready for additions.
Jenn T
Oatmeal is generally my breakfast of choice. I especially love steel cut oats and discovered that they cook up wonderfully well in the rice cooker on the brown rice setting! =)
Jenn T
I just made them again in the rice cooker, this time on the white rice setting. I added chunks of apple and some cinnamon with a dash of salt. This was much quicker and they turned out just as wonderful. …absolutely delicious the third day as well as the first!
Susan Voisin
That’s so good to know. Thanks for posting!
Abby Bean
You are not the LAST person; apparently, I am. Thanks for the tips!
Hi Susan! I love oatmeal. Both my mother and I eat oatmeal at least once and up to three times a-week. I use quick-cooking oats. My recent invention is cooking oats in coconut milk mixed with water. I then add chopped dates, chopped mango and shaved coconut cream (cold and hardened in fridge) into the bowl on top of the oatmeal. I called this recipe, Carribbean style oatmeal. Try it sometime. It’s deliciously sweet!
Hi! In order to reduce the cooking time, I let them soak in water (just tap water) overnight.
In the morning they are tender and take much less time to cook. Oh, and the result is just as creamy as the full cooking-method.
And if you wanna go even further, soaking for 24 hrs. allows you to eat them without the cooking step.
Love from Argentina!
i like to start mine the night before and have some for a second day by using one of those mini crock pots. holds a cup of oats, liquid, fruit and spices. easy clean up as well. i was never fond of the mess stovetop or microwave cooking of irish oats made. takes no more than 5 minutes tops the night before and i have 2-4 days worth of breakfasts.
Sian Brown
Hi Susan,
I love your page 🙂
I have been eating steel cut oats for a few years now and I love them. Just wanted to let you know that if you lightly toast the oats in a pan and then add the water and dried fruit when it comes to a rolling boil, then take it off the heat and cover the night before, the oats are done for the morning which makes it WAY quicker and more convenient in the morning time 🙂
All the best xxx
I’m new to being a vegan and I’ve found your blog and recipes very helpful to stick with it. I like salad but I really like a lot of flavor in my foods and your recipes always hit the spot. Thank you much. As far as steel cuts oats. I had them once a few years ago and thought they were awful. Not anymore!! The apple spice oatmeal was phenomenal! I didn’t need to add any sweetener. I ate it this morning and wasn’t hungry again until well after lunch. I’m so glad I tried it. I’m going to try to cherry one next week. Thanks again for all your efforts and the delicious recipes.
I love steel cut oats. Thanks for the info on how to use it more and more
I love steel cut oats and can’t wait to try these versions. I cook mine in the slow cooker, but with a bit of a twist. I create a bain marie by putting a 4 cup heat proof container (just my 4 cup pyrex measuring cup) with the oats and water, then put water around the container in the slow cooker. Just cook on low over-night and wake up to the aroma of the warm oats ready to dish up.
Jeanne McG
THANK YOU! I have no clue why every other recipe asks for butter or oil. Oats have the creamiest mouth feel and flavor that no fat is necessary! Great recipes, the apple is delicious!