Each month there’s a photo competition for food blogs called Does My Blog Look Good in This?—or DMBLGIT? for short. It’s a fierce competition with some excellent food photos. In fact, they’re so good that I’ve been too intimidated to join in, until last month when I submitted this photo of my Stuffed Tofu. It didn’t win—the winning photos were definitely superior—but I don’t think I embarrassed myself too much.
I’d like to give it another try this month, and I’ve got it narrowed down to the three that I think were my best from last month. (The photo has to have appeared on the blog for the first time in December.) But I’m questioning my own judgment about which one to choose, so I’d love it if you helped me out. [Update 1/19/07: I took the advice of the majority and entered the sorbet photo into the contest. Thanks to everyone for your comments, particularly those of you who offered detailed critiques. I value all of your advice and input!]
The three photos are:
Kiwano, Banana, and Pineapple Sorbet
Rainbow Stir-Fry
Pumpkin Spice Bread
The photos are judged on Aesthetics, Edibility, and Originality; there are prizes for each category and one overall winner. If you’d like to take a look at some of the other entries before you vote, visit the DMBLGIT? gallery. The competition is steep!
Thanks to Ilva at Lucullian Delights for the idea to take a poll. Her readers chose her lovely entry last month—and it won the award for Edibility!
Just let me know in the comments which one you think I should choose. I don’t need to make a decision for a few days, so if you don’t vote now, please come back and cast your vote later. Thanks!
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