I am thrilled to announce that there is a new blog in the FatFree Vegan family! Many of you know my friend Maria from her frequent comments here as “Moonwatcher.” If you need to make a recipe of mine without gluten or soy, Moonwatcher’s comments are the ones to watch. What you might not know is that following a low-fat, gluten-free, vegan diet has changed her life. In 2008, when searching for vegan alternatives to the Swank diet for Multiple Sclerosis, Maria happened upon this blog and changed the way she was eating. Since then, she’s seen her symptoms become milder and the progression of her MS actually reverse. Maria is such a gifted writer and her message is so important that I knew that she should have her own blog. And now she does: Plant-Based Slow Motion Miracle.
Maria says she will be sharing “my little victories and epiphanies, the food I love to eat, and other insights about how I live well with MS, Fibromyalgia and mild Cerebral Palsy.” So if you need inspiration or just plain love good writing, please join her on her blog. And don’t forget to sign up for her email updates. You don’t want to miss a word!
Susan, I don’t know how to thank you for this amazing opportunity. So I’ll just say thank you with all my heart. I am so excited and honored to be part of the FatFree Vegan family!
Dreena Burton
What a beautiful writing style Maria has, and I look forward to reading more of her blog. I will share it on my facebook page tomorrow, I think my readers will be very keen to read her blog too. Thanks Susan.
Awesome!!!! I have followed your blog for years, am mostly vegan, and have ms. I will definitely add this to my daily must-reads. Yay!! 🙂
Yay, Moonwatcher! I find stories of how changing the way you eat changes your life so inspiring. Off to check out her blog.
Thank you, Dreena, for your compliment and for sharing my blog on your facebook page. I poured over your books in my first year of eating this way and they were a valuable part of my learning curve. I still add a 1/4 teaspoon of ground fennel when I cook my beans and lentils. 🙂
moonwatcher (Maria)
Dreena Burton
You’re welcome, Maria. I just posted it on my page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dreena-Burton/260878040651278
Your story and experiences will benefit many – thanks for sharing. Best of luck with blogging. 🙂
d'ayanna hicks
i just truly am grateful for sites like these.
Thank you for telling us about Plant-based Slow Motion and Moonwatcher! I will follow her blog now too!
Would love to follow her but found no way to do so. 🙁
Susan Voisin
Rita, look in the right column, just under the search box. There should be a link to follow her blog by email. If you don’t see it, you can just sign up through this link: Subscribe to Plant-Based Slow Motion Miracle by Email. You will receive an email each time she posts alerting you to visit her blog for the whole post.
TaDa! Thanks!
Her blog is so wide that I didn’t realize there was a right side. Now I found it, thanks!
Angela W.
Maria and Susan — I thoroughly enjoyed reading Maria’s first blog entry. Both blogs truly complement each other in content. GREAT JOB!!!
Will definitely head over to check out the blog!