Fennel seeds, herbs, and red pepper flakes give this healthy, vegan Zuppa Toscana a sausage-like flavor without all the fat and cholesterol.
It’s been a big week here in the FatFree Vegan household. First of all, last Saturday we got a new family member! If you’re a Facebook follower or NewsBites reader, you’ve already been subjected to the cuteness that is our still unnamed kitten. But in case you’ve missed one of my press releases, here’s the story:
On Friday, CARA, the no-kill animal shelter where my daughter volunteers, posted a photo on Facebook of a kitten that was the spitting image of our Leda, who died of cancer 5 years ago. When I read that this kitten had been rescued from an abusive situation, I just knew we should take him in–despite the fact that we already have 4 cats and a blind dog. I filled out an adoption application, not really thinking that I had a chance because a lot of people on Facebook were interested.
Honestly, I had practically forgotten about the application (which I had filled out without my husband’s knowledge) until the next morning when I got a call from CARA saying that we had been approved. Having a daughter who is a hard-working volunteer makes all the difference! I said we needed to meet the kitten first (I actually needed a little time to work on the husband), so we arranged to come in to the shelter that afternoon.
My daughter E accompanied me, and it was love at first sight. 7-week-old “Downton,” as the shelter called him, was playful and friendly, despite his traumatic experiences. I learned that he had wandered up to a man’s door, starving and dehydrated, and the man had picked him up and thrown him across his yard. Fortunately, some neighborhood kids saw it happen and took him to a neighbor who loves cats. She called CARA, and they got him to a vet. He was in such bad shape that he wasn’t expected to live through the night. But the vet put him on an IV, and he slowly began to recover. It took two weeks before he was eating on his own and ready to be adopted. I am so thankful to CARA and the vet for saving this precious life!
“Downton” has settled in and is slowly winning over the other cats. The three of us can’t agree on a name, however, so right now he’s known as The Kitten. I’m sure that will change, but it’s hard getting 3 people with different ideas about the naming of cats to agree.
The second happy happening this week was that Jackson, Mississippi, finally got a Whole Foods Market. I’ll admit that I was a little conflicted about this. I love our local natural food store, Rainbow Grocery, and hope that the competition won’t be too much for it. The new Whole Foods was packed with people all week, and since it’s one of their smaller stores, it was difficult to really shop. I went in the second day they were open and couldn’t get to everything I wanted to. I spied these tiny potatoes across the produce department, but there were so many people crowded around them that I couldn’t get close:
I meant to go back for them but forgot. When I got home, I kept imagining how good they would be in a sort of healthed-up, veganized version of the Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana I’d seen on lots of blogs. So I braved the crowds at Whole Foods again the next day, bought two bags of tiny potatoes, and signed over my paycheck for the second time in one week. I guess I wasn’t as conflicted as I thought!
Anyway, I’ve never been to Olive Garden and never had their soup, which seems to contain sausage, bacon, and heavy cream–a heart attack in a bowl. So I doubt this really compares, but to me, it was incredibly delicious for something so simple. I had it for both lunch and supper yesterday, and I’m one of those people who hates to eat the same meal twice in a row.
Fennel seeds, herbs, and red pepper flakes give it a sausage-like flavor without all the fat and cholesterol. My tiny potatoes, many about the diameter of a nickle, I threw into the pot whole, but bite-sized chunks of any kind of potatoes will do. Half of a 12-ounce bag of pre-sliced kale (another Whole Foods purchase) cooked down enough to make this a moderately brothy soup (which is what I was craving), but feel free to increase the amount of kale and add extra seasonings, too.
Zuppa Vegana: Italian Potato, Bean, and Kale Soup
- 2 cups chopped onion (1 large onion)
- 6 cloves garlic minced
- 8 cups vegetable broth– OR water plus 6 bouillon cubes or equivalent see note
- 1 pound small potatoes cut into bite-sized pieces
- 3 cups cooked pinto, borlotti, or other beans drained, or 2 15-ounce cans pinto beans, drained
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1 teaspoon dried basil
- 1 6- inch piece fresh rosemary (or 1/2 tsp. dried rosemary, crushed)
- 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
- 1/4-1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes or to taste
- 6-10 ounces chopped kale (about 8-12 cups) stems removed
- 1/2 cup plain unsweetened non-dairy milk OPTIONAL
- 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast OPTIONAL
- additional seasonings to taste
- Heat a large, non-stick soup pot or Dutch oven. Add the onions and a tablespoon or so of water and “steam fry” until the onions soften, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another minute.
- Add the broth, potatoes, beans, and herbs (oregano through pepper flakes). Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer until potatoes are just tender, about 15 minutes.
- Add the kale, cover, and cook 5 – 10 minutes, until kale is tender but still bright green.
- OPTIONAL: For a creamier broth, remove about 1/2 cup of the potatoes and a little of the soup broth. Place them in the blender along with the non-dairy milk and nutritional yeast. Blend until smooth. Add blender contents to soup and stir well.
- Check seasonings, adding salt, pepper, and additional herbs to taste. Cook for a few minutes to heat through. Remove the rosemary stem before serving.
Nutritional info is approximate.
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Darcy Falk
Love reading these recipes, but alas, I am sensitive to onions and garlic (all allium plants), and so many of your delicious-sounding concoctions are impossible for me to eat. Up to now, I’ve mostly gotten around this problem by simply leaving out the offending foods in many of my favorite recipes, and bumping up the other flavors to compensate. Any other suggestions for how I can amend recipes, given my circumstances?
Susan Voisin
That is such a difficult question because as you can tell, I rely on onions and garlic to build flavor. Increasing the spices is a good idea. Have you ever used the Indian spice asafetida? It has a garlic taste but isn’t related at all to onions and garlic. A little goes a long way and could be used to add a little flavor. Sautéing celery instead of onion is another possible replacement. Good luck!
Darcy Falk
Thanks, Susan. I hadn’t heard of asafetida, but I’ll look for it.
Susan Voisin
Be warned: It stinks! In fact, the name includes “fetid” because of the aroma. But the smell cooks out and you only need a tiny bit to add flavor. You can find it in Indian grocery stores for a reasonable price.
Darcy Falk
I had a sneaking suspicion, but thanks for the warning!
Oh my God! your cat is adorable. Wait… BEYOND adorable!!!! And I love the back story and your VULNERABILITY in sharing that your husband didn’t immediately know you put the application in for the cat. So sweet. Really puts a lovely human compassionate touch to FFV!!!! You’re just the best. Thanks Susan!!! You saved a very beautiful little kittens life!!! Much care and appreciation to and for you!
Susan Voisin
Thanks, Tom! I feel so lucky to have found little Nameless. Hopefully his name will reveal itself to us before too much longer.
Oh my God!.. I want to send CARA a donation. Can you post their address to do so!! Honestly. Let’s take the healing of this blog out into the world!!!! What do you think everyone? Even a $10/$20 donation to CARA? Who’s in?
Susan Voisin
Tom, thank you so much for wanting to donate to CARA! I can tell you first-hand that they do wonderful work. You can donate online at this link: https://www.carams.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=1 . And here is their address where you can send a check:
960 N. Flag Chapel Rd.
Jackson, MS 39209
Donation Complete!!! Made in the name of “Downton” so they will know who its in name of… though we know he is really “Nameless” at the moment 🙂
Susan Voisin
Thank you so much, Tom! I know they can use the money, and I appreciate your honoring Downton like that. You’re the best!
Jackie @ Vegan Yack Attack!
The kitten is SO adorable! I can’t believe someone would be so mean to him. 🙁 But, I am glad that he is in great hands, now. And, of course, the soup looks amazing!
Susan Voisin
Thanks, Jackie! I can’t imagine how people can be so cruel to animals, but I’m glad that there are people out there fighting for them, like CARA.
How about “TK” for a name? Short for “The Kitten” 🙂
Susan Voisin
That’s an idea, Sarah. If we don’t think of a proper name soon, we might wind up doing something like that.
Hi Susan,
Wow, I hadn’t realized what a gripping backstory “The Kitten” had–thanks so much for sharing it with us, and especially for taking him in–he is sure to have a wonderful healing home with the 3 of you, even if you haven’t yet agreed on a name. And he’s just absolutely adorable!
This soups looks and sounds fantastic!! My kind of soup. 🙂 Reminiscent of a kale and potato soup in The Greens cookbook I’ve made many times–but I like the hearty addition of beans and fennel.
I’m not sure whether to say congratulations or my condolences about Whole Foods. I know it’s handy, I see that when I go to Portland, along with Trader Joe’s. But I hope co-ops like yours and ours can still go strong too!
Susan Voisin
Thanks, Maria. It’s hard to believe that someone could treat The Kitten that way. He came home from the shelter with antibiotics that he needs to take daily. A few days ago, I happened to look at the prescription label. It said “Account: CARA – Patient: Thrown kitten.” That just about broke my heart.
The kitten is so cute he makes my heart hurt! I’d call him Loki. Thank you for opening your heart and your home to him. The soup is beyond awesome. I love your recipes. Thank you for sharing them and your new cutie pie.
I love Tom’s idea about sharing the healing by making a donation to CARA. Please post their donation info. I’m in for a donation for sure!
Susan Voisin
Thank you so much, Kimberton! I’ve posted the donation info under Tom’s comment. I know that CARA would put your donation to good use.
Susan Voisin
Kimberton, I just wanted you to know that we finally decided on a name, and it is Loki. Thank you for the suggestion!
This soup is delicious! I used 1 T of nutritional yeast just stirred in. Did not do the milk and did not blend. It was still frothy and very good as is. A perfect way to use kale. Quick, easy and delicious!!
Susan Voisin
I’m so glad you liked it, Sandy! Thanks for trying it and reporting back so quickly.
Congratulations on the new kitten. My heart just melted. I just hope someone told the neighbor kid that did the rescue just how amazing he/she was. Happy ending for a fragile little soul. Sam
Have never tried Olive Gardens Zoupa Toscana??!? Well, I hope this measures up! Can’t wait to try it!
Your kitten is so cute! Looks like a Siamese mix too! My last cat I adopted was one that was thrown from a moving vehicle! Hard to believe anyone would do that! I sing to her “you being to me, I being to you, youre my sweetheart ” she seeems to like it, lol.
Tom’s idea is great! I just donated too, made in the name of “Downton and Susan V” because you’re both beyond awesome. By the way, it looks like the only way to donate is if you have a US billing address…I live outside the US (as, I bet, do many of your readers) but have a small amount of money squirrelled away in a US account, and keep a US billing address. But let’s keep Tom’s great idea going.
Susan Voisin
MG, you are just awesome! Thank you so much for your generosity! And that’s a handy tip for those who live outside the US.
Completely choked up when I read this kitten story. Six years ago I adopted a dog with a similar story from a rescue org, and he has rewarded me with complete love and loyalty beyond belief! I mailed a check to CARA today in your honor. Thanks for all you do – food AND fauna 🙂
Susan Voisin
Werner, thank you so much, both for adopting your dog and for your generous donation!
The Peace Patch
ohsuperdupercuteness! I saw that furry little face and immediately thought “WC Feline”, short for White Chocolate, cuz he looks so yummably sweet! Hurray for you and CARA for the rescue!
And thanks for the soup recipe and the blender suggestion…thick hearty soups are an everyday thing right now. Cheers!
… Hi Susan … your kitten is unbelievably cute … if you haven’t named him yet … may i add a suggestion to your list of names … what do you think of Billa … you press on the ” lla ” in Billa … the same way you press on ” zza ” in pizza … it means ” tomcat ” in Hindi … every day i Thank God for those marvelous human beings on this planet … who fight to preserve the lives of His creatures … human … animal & earth … thank you for you Susan … i’ve started mission zuppa vegana … will let you know soonest how fantastic it was … i still can’t get over that cute adorable stunner kitten … God Bless you & your family Susan … love & peace … till later … 🙂
Glad you have the new kitty who needed your family. So sad what so many precious critters have to experience in this world. So happy for the kitty. He is so beautiful. I want to give him some snuggles!!
Thank you so much for adopting this beautiful baby! I’m sitting here crying! It’s so hard to believe someone could be so cruel to a helpless baby animal. I’ve been in the same position. My baby boy Chippy (cat) showed up at our door with a broken leg. His mommy had left him behind. We took him in and 2 years later we can not imagine our life without him. My husband and I have chosen not to have human children so, our orange baby boy is our child. Also, thank your daughter for us. Volunteering is a wonderful experience and so needed. Lastly, thank you for the vegan recipes! I can’t wait to make this soup in e few days!
Beautiful creature!! How about Anton or Leo (I’m reading the Russians … our newest (# 13.) we named Pushkin) or Mr. BlueEyes (he has blue eyes, right??).
As for the soup – with some slight variations, it turned out delicious – I’m waiting for my husband to come home to share it with him. Thank you and enjoy the new member of the family!!
Susan you are absolutely the best, and the world (and my tummy) is a better place because of you!!!
Susan Voisin
Aw, thank you, Ruth! That means so much to me!
Donation made in honor of ‘Downton’ – can’t wait to discover his real name 🙂 Oh, and I’m totally making this soup next weekend. XO
Christine (The Raw Project)
Such a great story about the kitten, so glad he has a great home now! And this looks wonderful, I’m a huge fan on potato soups. Thanks!
Sounds wonderful! Now I know what to do with my little red potatoes and bok choy.
I knew I liked your recipes but the story of the kitty made me realize that I would like you! What a different life he will have because of you. Our most recent addition to our family, a black and white kitty, came about when my husband went to do an a/c job and realized that “kitty” was going to be abandoned because the person feeding kitty was moving. Kitty was living outside, and was declawed! He is such a sweet cat who now lives inside: we love him. Your recipes are sooo good; I’m going to make this one tomorrow. Thanks!
Susan @ Best Food Processor
I want to try this one, it looks really easy. I make vegetable soup for every holiday so I’m always looking for delicious new recipes to use.
Oh, God, your little kitten… sooo precious. The SAME IDENTICAL thing happened to us. This little starving (razor-thin) kitten walked from under the car up to the front door to my partner asking for help. She had been born in the wild in Ireland, so she was really frightened but when he fed her, she allowed him to pet her. We were told that because she was born in the wild, she could never be tamed. But, alas, she now sleeps with us and is soooo loving and grateful!
We took her for spaying and they found that she was pregnant (at about 4-5 months of age!)… bless her little heart. They said she and her babies would not have survived, so I’m grateful that we went through with the surgery. She is running around the house playing with our other stray and as happy as she can be. We have named her Bailey.
I would name him Tolstoy – Leo Tolstoy was an orphan and a vegetarian 🙂
Or Harley – just because that’s a cool name 🙂
Your kitten story reminded me of my aunt, who years ago found a flea-covered, half starved kitten by the side of the highway during a road trip. She named him Roadie, sort of a cute name that acknowledged his nearly disastrous beginnings, but he lived a long and happy life with my aunt and uncle. Maybe you could devise a similarly cute name for The Kitten based on how he was rescued?
The soup also looks delicious, I will make it in the next couple of weeks but had to comment on The Kitten before he gets a name!
Made this tonight in my pressure cooker and it was really great! I put all ingredients in except kale and pressure cooked for 7 minutes. Did quick release and added the Kale, milk, and nutritional yeast. It was perfect!
Karen Zielke
I couldn’t help but make this recipe today. I just happened to have all the ingredients on hand and my husband was coming down with a cold. That being said, it contained many firsts for me. I had never used pinto beans in a soup. I had never used fennel in a soup. I have been growing kale in my tower garden for over a year and had never put it in a soup. Everything worked! The soup gets 4 thumbs up from our household. My non-vegan, overweight son had to “cut himself off” after 3 bowls. This mom is cheering! Thanks so much Susan!
Love this recipe! I am usually a person who uses recipes as a suggestion and then I make it my own. Mostly followed this recipe and it is really good. Hubby can’t get enough of it. Thanks
I came for the kitten story, and stayed for the recipe (though the kitten is a cutie too). I was just telling a friend I was going to look for a vegan version of this Olive Garden soup, and there it appeared! I followed all the directions (I had to omit Fennel, none in my kitchen) – and it turned out WONDERFUL! Even BETTER than the original with none of the guilt. I did cook it a bit longer (I like my greens that way) – and am looking forward to a few more bowls. Thanks so much for yet another great recipe!
I never tire of having soup! This looks wonderful.
I made this tonight and it was SO good! We are snowed it, so it was perfect for the weather. Next time I will try the creamy blending method. Also your cat is adorable! Thank you for adopting such a sweet cat that needs a loving home 🙂
OR Suz
I don’t know how I came to find you, but I’m glad for it.
A vegetarian since the mid 80’s, is my ongoing goal to move towards a vegan lifestyle, and I continue to have marked success.
Commenting to add I make my own veggie broth and will never again purchase any over-processed, sodium-laden product.
Quite simply, I save all veggie bits in the freezer until I have enough to boil down to where they lose their color and form.
Strain it and voila! Cheap, easy, (mostly) organic and additive free.
Thanks for your blog.
DELICIOUS!!! And totally reminiscent of that Olive Garden soup as I remember it from years ago before I went vegan. Susan, you continue to make plant-based eating a pleasure! Thank you!!!
I have been reading this blog for YEARS and so many of the recipes are my staples. Thank you for the amazing recipes you post and your kindness to the animals. Thanks Tom, for a great suggestion. I just made a donation to CARA in my (late) dog’s name as well as in Downton’s name. Lastly, I wish everyone who reads this blog a VERY Happy Valentine’s Day. If you are in the mood for cheesiness, click the link below to see a video I made 🙂
Susan Voisin
Thank you for your generosity! And for the adorable video! I loved it.
… Hi Pitu … saw your video … it’s not cheezee … it’s lovely … i loved it … thank you for sharing it & thank you for the love in your heart … God Bless you … your loved ones & the whole world … love & peace to all … God Bless …
Steven Harris
After looking at this recipe for weeks, I finally gave it a shot. I followed the directions exactly, except for the nutritional yeast. Being a big fan of nutritional yeast, I put in closer to a 1/4 cup of it. The resulting soup was very creamy, “cheesy”, and outright delicious!
I’ve never had the OG version of this dish, but your recipe was definitely one of the tastiest soups I’ve ever made. Thank you for this recipe!
Marcy from Florida
Susan I love your recipes and have a few favorites. However, the reason I’m commenting for the first time is that your kitten and mine have a strikingly similar physical likeness and sad backstory. I found my kitten on my windowsill three nights in a row and borrowed a catch cage from our local rescue group. After releasing him on my porch, he jumped on my lap. He was weak, emaciated and boney. I fed him and took him to the recommended vet, who cleared him as just needing to be nurtured. They estimated he was 12 weeks old and said he weighed only 3 pounds. We were just going to be foster parents until he could be adopted.
Within a week we knew something wasn’t right with his breathing. I took him to our regular vet (we have 2 dogs) who took x-rays and showed us that the poor little guy had a herniated diaphragm from some traumatic event; his intestines were wrapped around his lungs, restricting his breathing. Although, we had no intention of keeping a cat (not cat people), we were given two choices: surgery or death. I called my husband from the vet and we agreed we were going to be keeping this little guy and paid a couple thousand for the required surgery, and knew he needed much personal care.
He pulled through the surgery and now nearly five months later he is a healthy, happy loving member of our family. It turns out that we are cat people after all.
Susan Voisin
Marcy, your story brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing it and for saving the life of your kitten. I’m so glad you turned out to be cat people after all. Isn’t it wonderful?!
Tried this last night and it was divine! The fennel seeds gave it such a great flavor. I served it to guests and it was a hit! It looked just like the photo and was a beautiful hearty meal for us. I love all your recipes. I will be making this again.
Thanks for this recipe, Susan! The nice thing about your mails is that the visual often pops into my head and helps with directing choices at the store. For instance, I was in Trader Joe’s in Long Island last weekend (unusual because it was not in my neighborhood), and spied these super cute tiny potatoes, but would likely have passed by if your soup photo hadn’t flashed across my mind. I grabbed them up to be assessed later at home, and only looked at the accompanying recipe at leisure today…and presto, I had everything (beans, tiny potatoes, kale and boullion). Followed recipe exactly and there was a happy Monday lunch for all, and afterschool snack for my teenage daughter on a day the mercury took another dive! You have an auspicious touch with your postings! Same with the chopped salad…inspired by your E’s reaction, I threw it together in lieu of the usual ETL salad my husband does, and it disappeared into my M’s mouth…thanks, friend!
Btw, re: Whole Foods…I found this interesting article on Whole Foods vs Walmart (admittedly 2 ends of the supermarket spectrum) http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/02/21/why-half-of-wal-marts-groceries-are-banned-by-whol.aspx
Alison Phillips
Yum that looks good! This is going to be so good this coming winter!